Research Activity


Nursing research uncovers knowledge to build the foundation of clinical practice and produce quality nursing care. To uphold the research the staffs and students are consistently carryout research activities.

a) The following two research project obtained grant from Rajiv Ghandi University of Health Science in the year 2016 – 17

1. Research Title: Effectiveness of structured teaching programme on action and adverse effects of commonly used over the counter medications among teachers of selected high schools at Mangalore.

Researcher: 2016-2020 batch B.Sc Nursing students

Research Guide: Mrs. Sherin Joseph & Prof. Mrs. Molly Saldanha

2. Research Title: Effectiveness of an animation video as a distraction strategy on behavioural response to pain among children receiving immunization at Kanachur Hospital and Research Centre Mangalore.

Researcher: 2016-2020 batch B.Sc Nursing students

Research Guide: Mrs. Malathi K and Prof.Mrs.Molly Saldanha

b) List of other research projects as follows 2017-18

1. Research Title: Knowledge regarding renal diet among caregiver of dialysis patients in pilikur community Mangalore with a view to provide information guide sheet.

Researcher: 2016-2020 batch B.Sc Nursing students

Research Guide:Mrs. Priya Jyothi Monteiro and Prof.Mrs. Molly Saldanha

2. Research Title: Knowledge of children (10-13year) regarding 5Fs of disease transmission (Food, Finger, Fluid, Faeces, Flies) in selected schools at Mangalore.

Researcher: 2017-2021 batch B.Sc Nursing students

Research Guide:Mr. Kenas Thomas & Prof.Mrs.Molly Saldanha

c) List of other research projects as follows 2018-19

1. Effectiveness of self-instructional module on knowledge regarding Covid-19 and its preventive measures among teachers of selected Pre-University College at Mangalore.

Researcher: 2018-2022 batch B.Sc Nursing students

Research Guide:Mrs. Sweety Theresa Dsouza & Prof.Mrs.Molly Saldanha

2. Research Title: A comparative study to assess the effectiveness of synchronized and a synchronized learning among nursing students in a selected college at Mangalore.

Researcher:2018-2022 batch B.Sc Nursing students

Research Guide:Mrs. Priya Jyothi Monteiro & Prof.Mrs.Molly Saldanha

d) List of other research projects as follows 2019-20 Batch

1. Research Title: Effectiveness of structured teaching programme on knowledge regarding prevention of substance abuse and its ill effects among high school students in selected schools at Mangalore’.

Researcher: 2019-2023 batch B.Sc Nursing students

Research Guide:Mrs. Rita Shalini Noronha & Prof.Mrs.Molly Saldanha

2. Research Title:Knowledge and attitude regarding menstrual cup among nursing students in selected nursing colleges Mangalore

Researcher:2019-2023 batch B.Sc Nursing students

Research Guide:Mrs. Nitha Meena Coelho & Prof.Mrs.Molly Saldanha

3. Research Title: Knowledge regarding Cervical cancer among school teachers in a selected school at Mangalore with a view to develop information booklets.

Researcher:2019-2023 batch B.Sc Nursing students

Research Guide:Mrs. Ann Barnes & Prof.Mrs.Molly Saldanha

e) On going Research Projects 2020-21 Batch

1. Research Title: Effectiveness of Structured Teaching Programme on knowledge of young adulthood girls on Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) in a selected Nursing College at Mangalore.

Researcher: 2020-2024 batch B.Sc Nursing students

Research Guide:Mr.Kenas Thomas & Prof.Mrs.Molly Saldanha

2. Research Title:A study to assess the early warning signs and the parental knowledge of Virtual Autism among toddlers.

Researcher:2020-2024 batch B.Sc Nursing students

Research Guide:Prof. Sherin Joseph & Prof.Mrs.Molly Saldanha